PostHeaderIcon North Node of Moon and the Business Cycle

North Node December 2014

As the embedded horoscope illustrates, the North Node right now is in the sign of Libra.

In her 1937 classic work, Louise McWhirter had the following to say:

“…when the North Node reaches the sign of Leo, the Business Cycle is at its high point, if there are no secondary factors to distort the cycle. As the Node moves towards Cancer, the Business Cycle is above normal, but is slowly trending back towards normal…”

 In a recent edition of my Astrology E-Alert, I detailed for subscribers when the current business cycle should reach its peak. As for here and now, the one factor that is of interest is the 180 degree opposition of Uranus to North Node which will remain in play until the end of Q1 2015. Accordingly, it would not surprise me to see continued volatility on the equity markets much like we have seen for the past couple months.

To read my complete analyses on subjects such as the Business Cycle, I invite you to become a subscriber to the E-Alert.





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