PostHeaderIcon McWhirter Forecast for Feb 2021 New Moon

The above horoscope shows planetary positions on February 11, 2021 overlaid on horoscope wheel with the Asc at 14 Cancer and the MH at 24 Pisces.

Observations are:

  • No planets in the 10th House.
  • There are no planets in the 1st House.
  • There are no planets in the 4th House.
  • Pluto is the lone occupant of the 7th House (least important House).
  • Saturn and Uranus are square (this is a serious McWhirter angle of interest).
  • The New Moon is 90 degrees square to NYSE co-ruler Mars (un-favorable).
  • Neptune is conjunct the NYSE MH point at 24 Pisces.

Interpretation of McWhirter requires some deliberation. One significant planet in the 7th argues for at least some pressure on the market. Saturn square Uranus argues in the negative. Neptune at the MH argues for pressure. Therefore, the month of March (or sooner) should see downward pressure on the market. How much pressure is the burning question.

From February 11 through to the next New Moon event, the Moon will pass by some key points of the horoscope. These key points are: the MH at 24 Pisces, the Asc at 14 Cancer, the planets in the 1st, 4th or 7th House, and lastly the position of Mars and Neptune which are the co-rulers of the NYSE.

Moon passes Neptune and the MH on February 13-14, Mars on the 18th, 14 of Cancer on the 23rd, and Pluto on March 8-9.

If downward pressure does not manifest itself, then we shall have further evidence that the Federal Reserve stimulus ($120 billion per month) is overwhelming the market structure. We desperately need at least a 10% correction to cool off the over-zealous behavior and to get stock prices back closer in line with fundamental ratios.  A 10% correction on the Dow Jones Average would fill a gap made back on Nov 5, 2020. Such a pullback (if it occurred) would be a 61.8% retracement of the October 30, 2020 to February 12, 2021 move.

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