PostHeaderIcon January 2022 Lunar Cycle

2022 begins with a New Moon on January 2nd. This lunation will have Sun and Moon at the 12-14 Capricorn point. This lunar cycle will run until February 1.

This is a highly unusual lunar cycle. This New Moon comes exactly 180 degrees to the NYSE 1792 natal horoscope Ascendant point. History is trying to tell us something?

Here is how I describe this lunation event in the 2022 Almanac:

The lunation is in alignment with the NYSE 1792 natal Descendant and is 180 degrees opposite the natal Ascendant. This cycle is highlighted by having Mercury and Venus in retrograde which can lead to trend volatility. Venus will record its Inferior Conjunction early in the month. In addition, January will see the North Node change signs and enter Taurus. This lunar cycle runs until January 31, 2022 and could be greatly energized. 

Key dates during this lunar cycle are:

•           January 5: Moon VOC

•           January 7: Moon passes Neptune and natal mid-Heaven point

•           January 7: Mercury at greatest easterly elongation

•           January 8: Venus at Inferior Conjunction. It will appear as the Morning Star later in January

•           January 10: Moon VOC

•           January 14: Mercury turns retrograde

•           January 16: Moon passes 14 of Cancer. This is a Sunday. Watch for a market reaction the Friday before or on Monday January 17

•           January 17: Moon at maximum declination

•           January 26: Mars at its minimum declination

•           January 28: Venus retrograde event is complete

•           January 29: Moon passes NYSE co-ruler Mars. This is a weekend. Watch for a market reaction immediately before or after the weekend 

•           January 30: Moon at minimum declination.

January will be full of events that can translate into extreme volatility. Venus retrograde, Mercury retrograde, Mars at declination minimum, Mercury at greatest easterly elongation, Moon VOC. This is quite a collection. Get ready for what could be an explosive month.

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