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When one develops the skills to apply astrology to the financial markets, the markets start to take on a rather different appearance. Levels of support and resistance come into clear focus.

The Astrology Letter is all about imparting skills to subscribers so that they can develop a new perspective of the markets. Take for example the Nasdaq Index. After some in depth research and mathematical investigating, what has emerged is the following chart. Suddenly, the Nasdaq does not seem so daunting. Astrology and esoteric math have created a roadmap of what to expect. This is exactly how WD Gann, Louise McWhirter, Evangeline Adams and others did in the 1920s, 30s and 40s in New York.

Learn their secrets. Learn to apply Astrology and esoteric math to the markets. Take your trading and investing to a whole new level. Become a subscriber to the Astrology Letter.

Nasdaq 100

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