PostHeaderIcon Venus Retrograde (part 1)

Starting on March 4th and continuing for 40 days Venus will be Retrograde. As I explain in my 2017 Financial Astrology Almanac, Retrograde does not mean the planet suddenly starts moving backwards in the sky. Rather, it is passing Earth (think of 2 race cars around a circuit) because Venus travels around the Sun quicker (225 days) than Earth travels around the Sun (365 days). As it passes us, we see it appearing in various zodiac signs/constellations and to us it appears successively in signs that are in reverse (backwards) order on the zodiac. To the ancients, this must have been quite a sight and to the divine seers Retrogrades were highly esteemed events in the heavens.

There is a link between Retrograde events and financial markets. I still struggle with this. Do these events somehow affect our inner psyches? Or, do the wizards on Wall Street deliberately move the markets at Retrograde events to engineer more profitable trading opportunities?

The following chart (generated in Market Analyst software) shows that in 2007, the US equity markets hit a peak at Venus Retrograde and the 2009 lows came at a Venus Retrograde. Co-incidence? You tell me….

Since 2009, there have been other Venus Retrograde events too as the following chart shows (again created in Market Analyst software). Each time, the US equity markets have responded notably.

My eyes will be glued to the e-mini Dow futures for possible trading opportunities at the coming 40 day Retrograde event. If Wall Street wants to manipulate the market for 40 days starting on March 4, I can play that game too….

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